Maribor Hosts Hungarian Culture Month


Gergely Bogányi
Hungarian ambassador to Slovenia István Szent-Iványi said events planned during the month present a cross-section of Hungarian culture.
The events were organised by the embassy, and about 90 percent of the programme?s 30,000 euro budget was provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
An exhibition of work by Vasarely, the father of Op-Art, will open in Maribor on Wednesday. The pictures are from the collection of Tibor Csepei, who paid several visits to the artist in the 1970s and 80s.
Maribor jazz club Satchmo will host a concert by the Baltic-Hungarian Jazz Quartet featuring the pianist Kálmán Oláh and the bassist József Barcza Horváth on Saturday.
The Kossuth Prize-winning pianist Gergely Bogányi will play Liszt and Chopin at Unionska dvorana on Sunday.  
A photo exhibition entitled Budapest Positive will open in the Vetrinski Dvor in central Maribor on February 7. The show includes work by Tamás Dezső, Balázs Gárdi and Zoltán Vancsó.

Félix Lajkó
The city of Pécs, which was a 2010 European Capital of Culture, will open an exhibition of work from its famous Zsolnay Porcelain Factory on the same day.
In the evening on Tuesday, the violin virtuoso from Vojvodina Félix Lajkó will perform with the violist Antal Brasnyó at the National Theatre.
The Hungarian city of Debrecen is contributing to Hungarian Culture Month with a show of about 60 works from the Antal-Lusztig collection by the likes of Csontváry, Rippl-Rónai and Szinyei-Merse.
Pécs literary journal Jelenkor will organise a roundtable talk with Maribor-based peer Dialogi.
Slovenian writers featured in Jelenkor?s December issue and Hungarian authors will be highlighted in an issue of Dialogi this year.
 The Hungarian choreographer Ferenc Fehér will bring a dance performance based on the work of Lao-tse to Maribor at the end of February.
Hungarian Culture Month will wind up with a performance of John the Valliant by the Griff Puppet Theatre on February 25.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)