Maribor Winds Up Hungarian Month


Suzana Zilic Fiser, who is in charge of the city?s 2012 European Capital of Culture programme, said that interest in Hungarian Month events had been even bigger than expected.
The Griff Puppet Theatre of Zalaegerszeg wound up the month with a show of the Hungarian classic Sir John the Valiant.
Also on the programme for the month were exhibitions of the work of Victor Vasarely, the father of Op-Art, as well as of objects from the Zsolnay Porcelain Manufacture in the Hungarian city of Pécs, which was a 2010 European Capital of Culture. A show of work from the Antal-Lusztig collection and an exhibition by the Pro Cultura Urbis Foundation called Budapest Positive was also on display.
An exhibition of textiles and jewellery by the Hungarian artists Anna Makovecz opened in February and Hungarian cartoonists were included in another show of work by artists from three countries.
Maribor hosted concerts by the Baltic-Hungarian Jazz Quartet, featuring Kálmán Oláh and József Horváth Barcza, as well as the pianist Gergely Bogányi and violinist Félix Lajkó.
Pécs organised a literary evening in the Slovenian city together with the Hungarian journal Jelenkor.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: