Merlin Injects Shakespeare With Disco Vibe


The Merlin Theatre has teamed up with fourth-year students at the Theatre and Film Academy studying operetta and musicals to put on the production, called ?At Midsummer?s Night,? which is loosely based on Shakespeare?s similarly-named play.

The performance, to take place on several stages, will feature scenes in which the characters break into song to some of the most popular disco hits of the 70s and 80s. With their disco-era costumes, the actors aim to build a party mood and invite the audience to dance until the early hours.

?At Midsummer?s Night? features performances by Eszter Bánfalvi, Zoltán Friedenthál, Tamás Herczeg, Diána Magdolna Kiss, Csaba Polgár, Csilla Radnay, Hella Roszik, Katalin Szilágyi and Nóra Diána Takács. The production is directed by László Magács.

The play will be performed on December 12, 13, 15 and 16, as well as twice in January