Ministry Appoints Commissioner to Head Opera


Minster of Education and Culture István Hiller announced Vass?s appointment on Wednesday, saying that Hegyi had left by mutual agreement. Vass?s mandate is until the end of the year.

Hiller noted that the decision reflects the ministry?s commitment to reform as well as its opposition to unrest. The personnel change is necessary to ensure the successful reform and modernisation of the opera, he said.

Hiller said he had had a long discussion with Hegyi on Tuesday, but declined to reveal his severance pay. He also said that no further funding for the opera is available in this year?s budget. Vass is not being sent ?with a bag of money,? Hiller said.

Vass said he wanted first to discuss plans and tasks with opera employees, then to reconsider which elements of the reform programme to implement. Change is clearly required, but a working environment must be created in which staff and management are not afraid of each other, he said, adding that he hoped an atmosphere of peace and trust would shortly return to the opera.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)


Born: Szolnok, May 7, 1955
Marital Status: Married
Children: one daughter, Ildikó (born in 1991)

1988 - 1991 Theatre and Film Academy, department of theatre theory
1983 - 1987 ELTE University, department of philosophy
1976 - 1980 Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College - Szeged
1969 - 1973 Ferenc Verseghy Secondary School, Russian Section - Szolnok

Professional Activities:
June 20, 2002 ? June 9, 2006 administrative undersecretary and later political undersecretary at the Ministry of Culture
2000 ? 2002 Director of the Szigligeti Theatre in Szolnok
1996 ? 2000 Managing director of the Szolnok Cultural and Musical Centre
1990 ? 1996 Head of programme office at the Szigligeti Theatre in Szolnok
1991- Founder and managing director of Ars-In-Kom Arts and Communications Ltd
1989 Social policy secretary at the Szolnok County Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party
1986 ? 1989 Deputy department head and later department head of the Szolnok County Council Cultural Department

Professional Awards
2004 Silver Pelican Award granted by the Szolnok Local Council
2001 Businessman of the Year Award granted by the National Association of Entrepreneurs
2000 Szolnok Cultural Award in honour of Gyula Kaposvári, granted by the Szolnok Local Council
1996 White Rose Award and Cultural Manager of the Year Award granted by the Society of Cultural Intermediation

Posts held in social organisations:
2002 ? Deputy chair of the Szolnok Arts Society
1999 ? Deputy chair of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County organisation of the National Association of Entrepreneurs
1997 ? 2000 Member of the National Cultural Programme Theatre College
1996 ? 2000 Member of the Supervisory Body of the Hungarian Radio Public Foundation Board