Ministry Awards Grants for 16 Puppet Productions


The awards in the tender, which was started this year, were announced on Sunday by István Magi, head of department at the ministry, before a performance at Budapest?s Puppet Theatre.

The Weöres Sándor Puppet Production Tender was based on the Katona József Creative Production Tender, an initiative of the Hungarian Puppeteers? and Dramatists' Roundtable. The tender aims to support puppet plays and productions by contemporary Hungarian authors and puppeteers. The money awarded will ensure the winners? productions are staged in the coming year. Authors will receive HUF 300,000 for premieres and HUF 200,000 for new productions of already-performed works. Puppet theatres will receive a maximum of HUF 1.5 million per production.

The five-member professional jury commissioned by the ministry evaluated 26 applications for the grants.

Hungary?s eleven professional puppet theatres perform 250-300 times per year to an audience of almost 300,000 children. This year, the theatres will be the recipients of HUF 387.3 million in central budget funding to finance operating costs. Additionally, the Ministry of Culture has allocated HUF 30 million from the National Culture Fund to be distributed among the eleven theatres based on need. The ministry has also made available HUF 4 million to cover the costs of Hungarian puppeteers? 8th biennial meeting, to be hosted this year by Kecskemét?s Ciróka Puppet Theatre.