Miskolc Opera Festival Draws 200,000


Sixty of the planned 65 programmes took place, but there were about 150 events that were free of charge in cities around the county, said festival director Tamás Bátor.

The musical scenes of 26 European countries were represented at this year?s festival, which took place on June 9-20. Among the singers to take the stage were László Polgár, Andrea Rost and Tarja Turunen. The three tenors Badri Maisuradze, Giorgio Beruggi and Michal Lehotsky were on the programme, as was the chorus of La Scala and an opera by the contemporary Estonian composer Erkki-Sven Tüür.

?This year?s festival was a message, or rather an introduction, before Hungary takes the revolving European Union presidency in 2011,? said Bátor.

Miskolc, once a centre of heavy industry under communism, has become well known for its Bartók + ... opera festival. Bartók is always on the festival bill, but a different composer or theme shares the spotlight each year. Next year Verdi will share the bill, and Bartók will be paired with Puccini in 2012.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI