Miskolc Theatre Sets up Dance Company



The company is the result of a five-year-long effort, deputy mayor Viloms Fedor told the last meeting of the city council. It was in 2003 that the dancer and choreographer György Krámer was contracted by National Theatre director Imre Halasi to set up a dance company.

Krámer noted that the Miskolc National Theatre has, in fact, put on regular dance performances for all five of those years, and it even had a retrospective of productions from 2002 until 2007 at the end of last year.
"The fact that an official stamp now proves our existence is recognition of our past efforts," Krámer said.
Because the theatre now officially has an independent dance company, it will become eligible for increased state funding.
In the future, Krámer will work with the choreographers István Majoros and Attila Kozma.
Photo: Krisztián Bócsi - Miskolc National Theatre