Model Represents Hungary at Venice Biennale


Model, a project by Bálint Bachmann, of the Pécs University of Sciences and Balázs Markó, who teaches at the Szent István University in Gödöllő, was picked among twelve submissions submitted for the Hungarian pavilion at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale.
?The model is an extended architectural thought from the plane into the space. The model building plays a particularly important role in the education of the architecture, therefore we wish to present models prepared by students in the interior spaces of the pavilion,? Bachmann and Markó said in their submission.
?Building a model is the symbol of architectural complexity, in which the practicality of the realisation meets the intellectual content of the architecture. According to our interpretation the pavilion of exhibition itself is also a model of a real size scale,? they explained.
Gábor Gulyás, director of the Budapest?s Műcsarnok and Hungary?s Venice Biennale national commissioner, said the concept involved giving university students the chance to show with models their ideas of shaping space in modern architecture. In addition to their participation, a number of well known architects are presenting models of planned or completed work, he added.
Bachmann said more than 500 models had been chosen for display in the Hungarian pavilion in Venice. The work is from students or professionals in six countries, he added.
Markó said all of the models would be white and none would be bigger than 21X21X21cm.
The 13th Venice Architecture Biennale will take place between August 29 and November 25.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)