MODEM Packs Up Messiahs Exhibition


About 56,000 of the exhibition-goers were from other cities in Hungary or abroad.

Messiahs - Western man and the idea of redemption in modern and contemporary visual art, showed more than 200 works by some 120 artists, said museum director Gábor Gulyás. Works, not artists, were picked for the show, he added.
Among the highlights of the exhibition were works by Picasso, Chagall, Warhol, Dali and Munch, as well as the Hungarian masters Munkácsy, Csontváry and Gulácsy. Georges Rouault's Crucifixion (1939) could be seen in Hungary for the first time, together with Odilon Redon's Christ on the Cross (1910), a triptych by Francis Bacon and a four-metre sculpture of György Dózsa by Tibor Szervátiusz. As well as oil paintings and sculptures, there were videos, graphic works, installations and photographs on display.
MODEM's most popular exhibition showcased Leonardo da Vinci. It drew 162,000 visitors in 2007.
Photo: MODEM