MODEM to Host Zsolt Berszán Solo Show


Zsolt Berszán said he considered the exhibition important not only because it was his first solo show in Hungary, but because never before had so much of his work been shown.

The artist's work has been dominated by the colour black and maggot motifs for years. Though the sight may be hard to digest at first, his work is figurative, and it is made mainly of silicone.

Berszán said the method and material with which he works shows an alternative form of life, even the maggot, which tears everything apart, but also forms material, filling it with life.

I have left open questions with all of my works: Most are about passing away, but they could also be about healing or the act of birth," he said.

"Zsolt Berszán's project aims to reconstruct this invisible historical process during which the human being, previously conceived as an organic unity, has fallen to pieces and turned into a heterogeneous collection of tiny organisms, and became ex-centric with regard to his/her human essence. The pieces of art displayed here show the radical transformation during which the human being becomes another type of being: a multiplicity of life forms, a being showing previously unseen qualities of life. When one enters the body, goes under the skin and the flesh, into the bowels, one encounters those tiny organisms that condition one's life, organisms difficult to face as they call attention to the transient, vulnerable nature of one's existence," the curator Gerda Széplaky says.

The Genesis Project will be officially opened by Romanian culture minister Kelemen Hunor. It can be seen until June 20.
 Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI