Moholy-Nagy Films Show at Barbican


Moholy-Nagy?s daughter, Hattula Moholy-Nagy, will speak at the event, with the support of the Hungarian Cultural Centre. Moholy-Nagy, who lives in the United States, will share family memories and speak about the American Bauhaus, said Gyönygi Végh of the centre.
The three-part programme will start in the afternoon with a selection of films from the Film und Foto (FiFo) exhibition, held in Stuttgart in May?June 1929. Moholy-Nagy and Hans Richter collaborated as curators for the film section of the exhibition which was ?the most significant public display of modern photography and film in Europe?, the Barbican says.
Among the films are ones by Marcel Duchamp, Walter Ruttmann, Fernand Léger, René Clair, Guido Seeber, Eug?ne Deslaw,Joris Ivens and Mannus Frankens.
The selection, called László Moholy-Nagy: The Film and Photo Curator, will be introduced by Bauhaus specialist Thomas Tode.
A screening of László Moholy-Nagy: Permanent Experiment will follow. The Barbican calls the film ?a unique documentary, which provides a fascinating insight into the life and work of one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century?.
?The film includes a combination of historical footage, family photographs and interviews recalling Moholy-Nagy?s life, from his native Hungary to his appointment as master at the Bauhaus, and later as Director of the Institute of Design in Chicago.?
The programme will wind up with a screening of Moholy-Nagy?s shorts.
?This is a rare chance to see a selection of Moholy-Nagy?s films on the big screen, followed by Aura Satz?s premiere of her 16mm filmic performance Universal Language: A Lost Manifesto, which draws on two mysteriously missing projects: the lost Moholy-Nagy film Sound ABC (1932) and the lost manifesto document of Richter and Eggeling, Universal Language (1920),? the Barbican says.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)