MTI expands its photo-mosaic with images of political subjects


MTI began to make a portion of photographs from its archive of 13 million images available to the public online in 2009, head of the database and archive Judit Talyigas said on Monday. (The site is accessed via the homepage

Anyone interested in the period covering 1887-2005 has free access to over five million news items, and will be able to view 70,000 images covering the period 1938-2006 by the autumn this year.
The first phase of the open-archive project began when, between 2001 and 2006, 20,000 images were uploaded, covering seven categories (life, nature, culture, landscape, economy, sport and humour).
Now MTI, the Hungarian News Agency, has added 3,000 images of political events at home and abroad. By the autumn, the aim is to have altogether 70,000 pictures online.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)