MUPA to Host Ring Marathon for Fourth Year


Judit Németh

Ádám Fsicher, who first conducted the Ring cycle at the Bayreuth Festival in 2001, will take up the baton at the performances.

Budapest Wagner Days 
Director, stage designer: Hartmut Schörghofer
Dramaturg: Christian Martin Fuchs
Choreography: Teresa Rotemberg (Das Rheingold, Die Walküre), Gábor Vida (Siegfried, Götterdämmerung)
Costumes and puppets: Corinna Crome
Light designer: Andreas Grüter
Video: Momme Hinrichs, Torge M?ller (fettFilm)
Assistant directors: Daisy Boschán, Katharina Kühnel
Musical assistants: Gábor Bartinai, Orsolya Fajger, Richard Lewis

Artistic director and conductor: Ádám Fischer
MR Symphony Orchestra
Assistant conductor: László Kovács
German language performances

In the main roles:
Wotan: Johan Reuter
Donner: Oskar Hillebrandt
Froh: Attila Fekete
Loge: Christian Franz
Alberich: Hartmut Welker
Mime: Michael Roider
Fasolt: Thomas Jesatko
Fafner: Walter Fink
Fricka: Judit Németh
Freia: Anna Herczenik
Erda: Annamária Kovács 
Source: Fidelio