Museum Shows Art Nouveau Furniture


The exhibition, which will be open until March 28, 2010, shows 110 pieces of furniture by 30 designers. In addition to the original works, the museum is showing about 50 designs for furniture and 50 archive photographs.

Hungarian folk motifs which were popular in Art Nouveau architecture were quickly adopted by furniture designers of the period. Among the objects in the exhibition are replicas on loan from London's Victoria and Albert Museum of work by Ödön Faragó, whose original furniture commissioned by Queen Elisabeth for the Buda Castle was destroyed. Also on display are two extraordinary pieces designed by Marcell Komor for the City Hall of Szabadka, now Subotica in Serbia.
Hungary's Art Nouveau artists collected folk art around the same time as the composers Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály were collecting folk music. Both looked for inspiration from "the pure source".
In the last section of the exhibition, visitors can see works that followed the Art Nouveau movement in Hungary, namely the Art Deco works of such artists as Géza Maróti and Lajos Kozma.
Source: Hungarian News Agency