Museum Shows Birth of Art Photography


Edward Steichen's image of Gloria Swanson from 1924
The Birth of Art Photography ? From Pictorialism to Modern Photography 1889-1929 shows the work of artists who ?sought to achieve the autonomy of photography through imitating painting styles, with their artistic paragons being the impressionists?, the museum says.
Museum director László Baán said the images are on loan from a number of big foreign and domestic collections, including those of the Musée d?Orsay and the Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art and the George Eastman House in New York, Vienna?s Albertina, the Ludwig Museum in Cologne and the Hungarian Museum of Photography in Kecskemét.
Péter Baki, the director of the Hungarian Museum of Photography and the curator of the show, said Pictorialism was born around the same time, in the 1890s, in England, Austria, France and Germany.
Among the images in the show are ones by Alfred Stieglitz, Man Ray and André Kertész.
The show runs until July 1, 2012.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI