Museum Shows Dresses Inspired by Literature


 Agatha Ruíz De La Prada's work
The show, called "20 suits for Europe. Designers converse with literature", is part of the special cultural programme organised by the Spanish Presidency of the European Union in coordination with Belgium and Hungary, the other two countries in the "trio presidency". It is organised through the Cervantes Institute, Ministry of Culture, the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX) and the Association of Fashion Creators of Spain in collaboration with Wallonie-Bruxelles Design/Mode, Modo Bruxellae, the Flanders Fashion Institute and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Hungary.

 Kati Zoób's work

"To dress a poem, a character, the magic of the imprecise moment that only literature allows; this is 20 dresses for Europe," says Concha Hernández, the curator, in the exhibition catalogue. "The history of Europe in novels....And above all, or at the same level, the gown conceived from the direct inspiration of that literary fragment. They are all here to be enjoyed, for taking pleasure from an exhibition that is a model for intercultural dialogue, a tower of Babel for the senses."

"This coming together is an invitation to get to know our designers and writers, all of us reminding each other of the common territory that we share: Europe," Hernádez says.
The Hungarian designers in the show are Tamás Náray, inspired by a work by the author Magda Szabó; Miklós Pazicski, inspired by Miklós Bánffy; Kati Zoób, inspired by Sándor Márai; and Natália Gyulai; inspired by Zsuzsa Takács.
The exhibition showed in Brussels, at the Hotel de Ville, the headquarters of the local council, in February and March, and it will travel to Madrid after it leaves Budapest.
Author: Eszter Götz / Photo: MTI