Museums Kick Off Autumn Festival


The museums aim to start a new tradition with the festival, one which draws as many visitors as the Night of Museums or Museum May Day.

The programmes on offer will give visitors the chance to see how Stone Age people lived, learn how to restore ceramic objects and participate at an archaeological excavation.

The festival also offers a full programme for museum professionals, including seminars and conferences on how museums can teach and on special initiatives for children and people with physical disabilities.

The Autumn Festival of Museums runs from October 4 until to November 11.

The National Culture Fund has provided HUF 17 million in support for the festival.

Autumn Festival of Museums Programme:

Face the Objects: What Is Happening to the Museum Inventory?
Ethnographic Museum (Budapest), Fine Arts Museum (Budapest), Szatmári Museum (Mátészalka), Damjanich János Museum (Szolnok)

Music on Display: Bartók?s Works in Hungary
Petőfi Literary Museum (Budapest), MTA Music Institute Musical History Museum (Budapest), Open Air Ethnographic Museum (Szentendre)

Play Archaeologist: Our Archaeological Heritage
Matrica Museum and Archaeological Park (Százhalombatta), Intercisa Museum (Dunaújváros), Bihar Museum (Berettyóújfalu), Village Museum (Szegvár), Town Museum (Paks)

Play Architect: Our Architectural Heritage
Cultural Heritage Protection Office (Budapest), Open Air Ethnographic Museum (Szentendre), Dunaszentbenedek Village House (Dunaszentbenedek), School History Collection and Country House (Nagytótfalu), Vértesszőlős Village House (Vértesszőlős), Xantus János Museum (Győr)

Saint Martin Day (November 11) Open Air Museum Festivities
Open Air Ethnographic Museum (Szentendre), Sóstó Museum Village (Nyíregyháza-Sóstó), Vas County Museum Village (Szombathely), Göcsej Village Museum (Zalaegerszeg), Ópusztaszer National History Memorial Park (Ópusztaszer), Open Air Ethnographic Collection (Szenna)

Conferences and Workshops

Museum Pedagogy Season Opening Event
Petőfi Literary Museum (Budapest) October 4

Teresa Day Fair
Open Air Ethnographic Museum (Szentendre) October 13
Kindergarten and Museum Pedagogy Professionals? Meeting

Creativity, Play, and Collection
Conference on Contemporary Hungarian Children?s Culture
Szórakaténusz Toy Museum and Workshop (Kecskemét) 16 October 16

Southern Great Plain Regional Professional Days
Ópusztaszer National History Memorial Park (Ópusztaszer) October 17

Young People in Museums
Conference on Museum Programmes for Young People Aged 14-18
Ludwig Museum (Budapest) October 17

Do You Get It?
Professional Workshop on Museum Activities for the Disabled
Szent István Király Museum (Székesfehérvár) October 26
Open Air Ethnographic Museum (Szentendre) October 27

From Alpha to Exhibition
Professional Workshop on the Experiences of ALFA Tenders
Laczkó Dezső Museum (Veszprém) October 30