Music Academy Celebrates 100 Years In New Home


The concert features pieces written during the past hundred years selected by conductor Zoltán Kocsis. On the programme are Leo Weiner's Sonata in F Minor, Béla Bartók's Violin Concerto No. 1 and Suite No. 2, Zoltán Kodály's Summer Evening and Ernő Dohnányi's Concerto for Cello and Orchestra.
Soloists for the evening will be Barnabás Kelemen, the winner of the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, and László Fenyő, the winner of the Pablo Casals competition.
Music Academy rector András Batta said President László Sólyom and Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány had been invited to the concert. He added that a memorial medal established by the Academy and CIB Bank, which is sponsoring the concert, would be presented during the evening.
The Music Academy was established by Franz Liszt and first operated out of his home on Hal Square. In 1879 it was moved to a building in Sugár Avenue, today called Andrássy Avenue. But the Academy outgrew the building and a decision was made to build a new a one, which was completed in 1907.
The Music Academy's present home, a masterpiece of art nouveau architecture,was designed by Flóris Korb and Kálmán Griegl. Miksa Róth was commissioned to make stained glass windows and the famous Zsolnay porcelain company to make ornamental tiles for the building. The magnificent fresco in the lobby was created by Hungary's art nouveau master Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch.