Music Academy Hosts Free Kodály Marathon


Zoltán Kodály at the Music Academy

The event, to run from ten o'clock in the morning until ten o'clock at night, will take place in the Liszt Music Academy. It will be free of charge to the public. On the programme will be Hungary's best choirs, chamber ensembles and orchestras, as well as the likes of Barnabás Kelemen, Katalin Kokas, Gergely Bogányi, Miklós Perényi, László Mező, Sándor Sólyom-Nagy, Dénes Várjon, Zoltán Kocsis and Tamás Vásáry.

Kodály spent nearly 60 years of his career at the academy. He studied there, then taught there, reforming the institution and making it a world-class school.