Music events in halls, on streets mark Int'l Music Day



The "envoy" of the event, singer Agi Szaloki gave the opening performance in front of the State Opera House before noon. Violinist Felix Lajko played at the Nyugati (Western) Railway station at noon, followed by the group Quimby.

The chamber ensemble of the Budapest Philharmonic gave concerts at several spots in the capital throughout the day.   
In the evening, the Budapest Palace of Arts will host performances at an event dubbed "Haydn-crossover." The Trio LaKriA and the Accord Quartet will recite from classical pieces, while the Szetn Efrem male choir perform Byzantine sacral music. The Janosi Band will play Hungarian folk tunes, followed by Mirrorwold and jazz saxophonist Laszlo Des.
The International Music Day is also marked with a classical concert at the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy and in Godollo outside Budapest, which also hosts the 11th international Harp Festival.
The International Music Day was initiated in 1975 by conductor Yehudi Menuhin and organised by the UNESCO International Music Council to promote music among all sections of society.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Máté Nándorfi