Mythberg Films Prepares for Co-productions


Bence Miklauzic 

Mamarosh, a Hungarian-Serbian-German co-production, tells the story of a middle-aged man who decides to flee his past and his home in Belgrade after the city is bombed. However, his mother accompanies him as he flees and the two become inseparable.

The film will be directed Moma Mradakovic and the cinematographer will be the Hungarian Gergely Pohárnok, who worked with Győrgy Pálfy on Hukkle and Taxidermia. Pohárnok shot his last film in Serbia as well.
Bence Miklauzic will direct Children of the Green Dragon, a Hungarian-German-Chinese co-production. The film will focus on a Chinese recluse in Budapest who remembers his life in China.
31-year-old Chinese actor Yi Lu, well known for his role in The Seven Swords, will star in the film, supported by Hungary's Zoltán Rátóti.