National Dance Theatre to Host 8th Dance Forum


Shen Wei Dance Arts

Performances of folk dance, ballet and contemporary dance will be held at the Palace of Arts as well as the National Dance Theatre.

This year's foreign guest will be New York's Shen Wei Dance Arts, who will perform The Rite of Spring and Folding on April 19 and 20. Just eight years old, Shen Wei's troupe has attracted much attention around the World. The Rite of Spring presents a dialogue between movement, music and images in which the stage becomes a canvas.
Several premieres will take place at Dance Forum, among them a production by Dóra Barta and Zoltán Fodor (The House of Dido-Bernarda Alba) on April 17, the Budapest Dance Theatre's performance The Confessions of Choreographers on April 25, the Duna Art Ensemble's The Golden Bow on April 27 and the Hungarian Ballet Theatre Gödöllő's Bolero/Déjá vu/Carmen.
On April 29, International Dance Day and the birthday of classical ballet giant Jean-Georges Noverre, awards will be presented by the Society of Hungarian Dance Artists and the Zoltán Imre Foundation.  