National Gallery Celebrates World Music Day


DJ Dimon

DJ Dimon will end the programme on the main stage set up for the event around midnight. Preceding will be DJ Keyser at 6:00pm, the Singas Project at 8:00pm, Beat Dis from 9:30pm and PASO at 11:00pm.

In the museum's exhibition halls, visitors will be able to hear performances by students of the Liszt Music Academy of works by Bach, Vivaldi, Handel, Mozart, Schubert, Chopin, Paganini and several contemporary composers from 7:00pm until midnight.
The Balázs Nagy Quartet and Largo Camino will perform on the museum's jazz stage.
The National Gallery will also mark the Night of Museums on Saturday, offering special guided tours, poetry readings, film screenings and children's events. The terrace of the museum's grand dome will be open, allowing visitors a spectacular view over the city.
Football fans can keep up with the evening's matches on big screen TVs.