National Gallery Shows Art of Press Photographer


Sándor Apáti-Tóth: My Grandfather's Watch

The exhibition, entitled Silences, will include some 200 photographs taken during the course of Apáti-Tóth's career at the local paper in the city of Cegléd as well as at the city's Kossuth Museum.

"I have accepted the role of a mirror, in which... I intend to show the beauty and pain of the past century in order to educate," says Apáti-Tóth of his work. "Understanding the past is very important, because those who do not know their roots become vulnerable."
Apáti-Tóth has had more than 60 solo shows. He is a founder of the Studio of Young Photographers and a member of both the Association of Hungarian Photographers and the National Association of Journalists. His photographs appear mainly in dailies and weeklies, but his images are also on book covers, posters and leaflets.
Silences runs until October 6.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Hungarian National Gallery
Photo: Hungarian National Gallery