National Gallery Shows Works by Károly Ferenczy


Generations have come to age without having seen a retrospective of the work of Ferenczy, who was born 150 years ago, said Hungarian National Gallery director Ferenc Csák. The exhibition ? the first solo show of Ferenczy?s work since 1940 ? features 150 paintings and 80 graphic works from twelve Hungarian and foreign museums, ten public collections and more than 50 private collections, he added.
While research on Ferenczy tends to focus on his best known period with the Nagybánya school, the exhibition at the Hungarian National Gallery shows his period of ?preparation? as well as his more classical works after Nagybánya, said curator Judit Plesznivy.

Sermon on the Mount I.
Ferenczy, who died 55 years ago, left only about 400 paintings behind, a large number of which can be seen in the exhibition, she added.
The exhibition is not organised chronologically, but thematically. It also includes a few works by the artist?s family: his daughter was a tapestry artist, his son a sculptor and his wife a fellow painter.

Female Nude
A ?Wanted? wall connected to the exhibition shows reproductions of works by Ferenczy of which the whereabouts are unknown. The reproductions, which can also be seen on the gallery?s website, have already produced results: so far the owners of five of the works have come forward, broadening the known inventory of Ferenczy?s oeuvre.
The exhibition at the Hungarian National Gallery runs until May 27, 2012.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI