National Library Launches Matthias Website


Illustration by Marcell Jankovics

The website allows visitors access to a database with tales about Matthias Corvinus, pictures, both old and new, studies and bibliographies, says Annamária Sudár, one of the website's editors. The site contains 200 tales about King Matthias as well as 40 additional texts, among them a history of the Renaissance king by Galeotto Marzio.

More than half of the tales are "talking tales", recorded by the actor László Helyey in cooperation with Hungarian Catholic Radio.
Clicking on the website's "Gallery" menu button reveals a cornucopia of images of Matthias Corvinus, among them illustrations by Marcell Jankovics, historical drawings and images from the book verse Tales of King Matthias.
The website, at, will show the best 25 "tale tellers" picked from a contest before the site was launched.
Hungary has celebrated the Day of Hungarian Folk Tales since 2005. The day falls on September 30, the anniversary of the birthday of the great tale teller Elek Benedek.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)