National Philharmonic to Play on classicLive


The National Philharmonic Orchestra during rehearsal

The beta version of the webservice was launched in mid-August and the first live concert will be broadcast on September 6.

The Lahti Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Osmo Vänskä, will perform Sibelius's Kullervo for the first concert. The orchestra will be joined by mezzo-soprano Lilli Paasikivi, baritone Jorma Hynninen and the YL Male Voice Choir.
Hungary's National Philharmonic Orchestra will be the second ensemble featured by classicLive, playing live on September 25 at 17:30 GMT or 19:30 local time. Conducted by Zoltán Kocsis, the orchestra will play Bartók's Suite no. 2, Beethoven's Piano Concerto no. 3 in C minor with soloist Alexei Volodin, and Brahms' Symphony No. 1 in C minor.
Until the service is launched, the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra can also be seen playing Hadyn's Smphony No. 101 at
The Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Stockholm have already signed letters of intent to show their performances on classicLive too. Talks are in advanced stages with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Saint Petersburg's Marinsky Theatre Orchestra and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.
ClassicLive is available by subscription for EUR 5 for 24 hours, EUR 9 for seven days and EUR 17 for 30 days.