National Theatre to Premiere King Lear Production



The production premiered in Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania, in November, performed by the Tamási Áron Theatre, with Levente Nemes in the lead.

The Tamási Áron troupe joined the cast of the Budapest production of King Lear for the first four weeks of rehearsals.
The Budapest performance will feature Mária Varga, Söptei Andrea and Teréz Vass as Lear's daughters. Other cast members include Tamás Jordán, Zsolt László, András Stohl, Gyula Bodrogi, Béla Spindler, György Gazsó, Gábor Hevér and Mari Törőcsik in the role of the fool.
The National Theatre will host another premiere during the week - László Keszég's production of Ödön von Horváth's Tales from the Vienna Wood - on Thursday.
Set in Vienna before World War II, Marianne is about to marry the dull-witted butcher Oskar, but breaks off the engagement to pursue the dashing Alfred. The decision brings her only misery.
Marianne is played by Dorina Martinovics and Alfred by Marcell Miklós. Frigyes Hollósi appears as the fairy king, Juli Básti as Valery, and Piroska Molnár as the grandmother.  The cast also includes Judit Csoma, Attila Kaszás, Péter Trokán, Norbert Bródy, Ákos Horváth, Zoltán Schmied and Kati Andai.    
The play has been adapted for the stage by László Keszég and Enikő Perczel. Stage design by György Árvai, costumes by Edit Szűcs, and lighting by Tamás Bányai. The music for the play was composed by Balázs Zságer, who is well known for his work on several film soundtracks.