New Kertész Book Published in Italian


The translation, by Giorgio Pressburger, the former director of the Italian Institute in Budapest, was published by Bompiani on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day.
Pressburger called Kertész ?one of the greatest living authors? in a piece published in Italian daily Corriere della Sera. ?At a time when romance novels or crime stories dominate, and it appears as if there is no room for other genres, the appearance of  this small, 135-page, lively and painful, but humorous book is a gift,? he wrote.
Kertész won the Nobel Prize for literature for his novel Fateless in 2002. He was awarded the Flaiano Prize in Italy in 2001. The Failure was his first book to be published in Italian, in 2003. Fateless followed, then The Union Jack, Kaddish for an Unborn Child, The Minutes of Meeting, A Detective Story, The K. Dossier, Galley Boat Log and Unhappy 20th Century.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)