New MUPA Season Based on Cooperation


Although MUPA has less money, in real terms, to keep up the same level of service, MUPA's programme for the new season will indeed be rich, MUPA deputy-director András Csonka said at a press conference. Among the highlights of the season will be a performance of Haydn's The Creation by the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra and the Arnold Schönberg Chorus under the baton of Ádám Fischer, he added.
On January 26, the András Schiff will show off his talents both as a conductor and a pianist together with the Cappella Andrea Barca.
Daniel Barenboim will bring an all-Chopin programme to MUPA on the evening of February 23. The line-up of internationally-renowned artists will continue in May with a concert by Anne-Sophie Mutter, who will perform - for the first time ever in Hungary - with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.
MUPA regulars can look forward again to the annual Wagner Days and the Budapest celebration of Mahler.
Liszt Music Academy rector András Batta called the Palace of Arts, the soon-to-be-renovated Music Academy, the 125-year-old Hungarian State Opera and the new Erkel Theatre, to be built in a few years, a "Silicon Valley of music".
National Philharmonic director Zoltán Kocsis said Hungary was "swarming with musical talent", but he warned that politicians should consider it an important task to keep this artistic talent in the country.
Kocsis revealed he had written a third act for Arnold Schönberg's unfinished opera Moses and Aaron over the summer and was in talks with the composer's heirs on performing it.
Author: Éva Kelemen / Photo: Dániel Kováts