Nine Hungarian Films on IFFI Programme


Márta Mészáros

The festival will take place in the province of Goa between November 23 and December 3.

The Hungarian films on the festival programme are The Eighth Day of the Week by Judit Elek, Dolina and Temptations by Zoltán Kamondi, Porcelain Doll by Péter Gárdos, Dealer by Benedek Fliegauf, Black Brush by Roland Vranik, Hukkle by György Pálfi, Season by Ferenc Török, and Vagabond by György Szomjas.
 India has decided to turn Goa into its own Cannes, Delhi Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre director Imre Lázár said.
With its pristine beaches and thriving tourism industry, Goa stands a good chance of achieving this goal.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)