Nyíregyháza Team Wins ?Freedom Fighter 1956?


The team beat many others in a contest involving tasks related to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, such as interviewing witnesses to the revolution, carrying out research and creating leaflets. Altogether 1,867 students and 345 teachers participated in the contest, which spanned an entire year before the 50th anniversary of the revolution on October 23, 2006.

?1956 was not simply the fight of a country, but the fight of all Hungarians,? Minister of Education and Culture István Hiller said in a speech congratulating the winners.

Hiller asked the winners to visit the memorial in Paris to Imre Nagy, the prime minister of Hungary during the revolution and later a martyr to the cause. He added that the ministry would try to organise a meeting between the students and Hungarians in Paris who fled Hungary in ?56.

Chairman of the History Teachers Association László Miklósi said the competition had mobilised more students and teachers than any other similar event in the past 15 years.

Anita Paragh, a member of the winning team, said the competition had shaped her way of thinking because it gave her a chance to immerse herself in a historic era that many find difficult to talk about even today. The experience, she said, was uplifting and valuable.

The runner-up in the competition was a team from the Gábor Egressy Bilingual Technical Secondary School from Budapest and the third-place winner was a team from the Ferenc Toldy Secondary School, also from Budapest.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)