Officials Lay Cornerstone for Berlin's Collegium Hungaricum


The Collegium Hungaricum ? a centre for Hungarian culture and science ? was set up 80 years ago, but the original building was destroyed in World War II. The centre is currently housed in a more modern building near the centre of the former eastern side of the city.

The start of construction of the Collegium Hungaricum also marks the beginning of ?Ungarischer Akzent?, the 18-month Hungarian cultural season in Germany. It is hoped the Collegium Hungaricum?s new home can be inaugurated at the end of the cultural season.

Officials taking part in the ceremony included Hungary?s Culture Minister András Bozóki, Berlin Mayor Karin Schubert and Collegium Hungaricum director András Masát.

Plans for rebuilding the Collegium Hungaricum have been discussed since 1999. The Schweger architectural firm has been selected to draw up the plans for the Bauhaus-style building, and Hochtief will be in charge of its construction.

The laying of the cornerstone on Thursday was just a small step, but hopefully it will lead to truly great steps in terms of German-Hungarian cultural and scientific relations, Masát said at the ceremony.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)