Offside Wins Top Prize at Busho


The jury, headed by Csaba Bollók, awarded the prize to the short for its presentation of the Isreli-Palestinian conflict.

Second prize went to Egy szavazat (One Vote), an absurd film about political division by the Hungarian team of Balázs Simonyi and Barnabás Tóth.
In third place was Ladenhüter (Clerks) by Felix Stienz. The film was recognised for its portrayal of people who have slipped through the cracks in the system.
The main student jury prize was awarded to The Trainee, by Craig Andrew Rosenthal, for good use of situation, excellent actors and its light humour.
The student jury special prize when to Hungarian director Katalin Riedl's Felhővadászok (Cloudhunters) for its creative use of the traditional tools of animation.
The student jury animation prize went to Goats First, by Barbel Haage and Susi Claus. The jury acknowledged the film's rich form and its unique style.
The Gizmosho Workshop three-member jury, headed by Csaba Varga, awarded first prize to Gergely Fogarasi's ANNO, second prize to Viola Fátyol's Váratlan találkozás (Unexpected Meeting) and third prize to Kaland (Adventure), by Krisztina Ágói.
The main animation prize was awarded to Grezgrz Jonkajtys's Ark, and the special animation prize went to Vera Vodál's Last Cigarette.
The cinematography prize was presented for George Perrin's work in Baptism.
The Hungarian director Márton Szirmai took the audience prize for his film Szalontüdő (Parlour Pork).
The best new talent prize went to the German director Gil Wiener for his film The Note and to the Hungarian director Áron Mátyássy for his short Mínusz.
Stephen Henry won the prize for best actor for his role in Olivier Klein's Bhai-Bhai. Mignon René won the best actress prize for her for her role in The Mongoose.
The best science film prize was awarded to Truth Paradise Found, by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne.
The Romanian Andrei Tanase won the top prize for a student entry with Love Forever.
A special prize was awarded to Ioan Cristea, also of Romania, for Micescu: A Puppet Booth Story.
More than a hundred films were in competition at this year's Busho.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)