Once Upon Time in Buda Festival Set for May 14


The day?s big attraction will be a performance of Henrik Kemény?s ?Vitéz László?. Also among the festival?s big events will be the Once Upon a Time Awards gala for the winners of two contests the festival?s organisers announced earlier: a drawing contest for younger children and a film contest for older children.

Younger aspiring artists were asked to submit illustrations of Andersen?s tales. The organisers will choose the best of the many entries they received for display in the lobby of the Jövő Háza. The winners of the contest will be announced shortly on the festival?s homepage at www.egyszervolt.hu/gyermekfesztival/

Older children were asked to submit a one-minute film. The many submissions were posted at www.minifilm.hu where visitors could vote for their favourite. The contest?s winners will also be announced shortly.

The minifilm contest will be repeated again, and the organisers invite older children to submit new films for a new vote and new prizes.

The full festival for the programme can be seen at www.egyszervolt.hu/gyermekfesztival/

The festival will take place at the Jövő Háza, formerly the Millennium Park, near Moszkva Square.

Author: Katalin Almásy