Open-Air History Park Undergoes Renovation


 Anna Magyar and Tamás Deutsch

The investment, to be completed in May, involves the renovation of the roof a building that houses the Feszty Panorama, an enormous picture depicting the nomadic Magyars that is one of the park's main attractions. Two lifts will be installed in the building, the parking lot will be made wheelchair accessible and the area around the main building will get a facelift. The park will also be expanded with a 900-square-metre exhibition space.

The Csongrád County Council won a HUF 463 million grant for the investment and is paying HUF 160 million from its own resources, said council chairman Anna Magyar.
The park's new permanent exhibitions will show visitors the era when the Magyar nomads moved into the Carpathian Basin. They will also get a peek at the history of the making the Feszty Panorama.
The Feszty Panorama, painted by Árpád Feszty, with the assistance of several other well known artists, among them László Medgyánszky, was unveiled to the public in 1894. It was damaged in WWII and did not undergo restoration until 1991. Since it was made the main exhibition in Opusztaszer in 1996, some 4m people have seen the picture.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI