Opera Gets Another New Musical Director


Kovács will replace György Győriványi Ráth, whose contract was terminated on Tuesday because the majority of the opera?s staff refused to work under his direction.

Kovács said he had accepted the appointment in order to ?try to alleviate? the negative consequences of the opera?s reorganization. He added that it was unlikely that the opera?s programme in the coming years could change.

Staff protested earlier when many of the opera?s performances were cut from its season programme in an effort to turn the loss-making institution around.

?We will continue with the financial consolidation, achieving all we possibly can while looking out for the opera?s future,? Vass said. Plans are to increase revenue and reduce expenditures. In addition to increased revenue, the opera seeks more state subsidies and sponsorship money, as well as European Union and other international grants. Costs cuts will be achieved through reductions in staff and negotiating new collective contracts, but by other means as well, for example saving on electricity, Vass said.

Vass said the opera is operating this year with a budget of HUF 6.6 billion, of which HUF 5.3 billion is coming from state subsidies and HUF 33 million from sponsors. Each performance at the opera costs about HUF 22 million, while ticket sales per performance come to just HUF 3-4 million, he noted. Reducing the number of performances by fifty would save the opera more than HUF 1 billion, he said.

The opera currently employs a permanent staff of 991. Additionally, it will hire more than more than 100 guest performers in the coming year.

László Megyeri, who is in charge of the opera?s modernization, said negotiations had not yet started on specific staff reductions. Although declining to comment on the precise number of planned redundancies, Megyeri said the number would exceed 100.

The 2006/2007 opera house season will feature 265 performances, including five premieres, 38 operas and eleven ballets. The new season will also see the start of performances by opera companies from Hungary?s other cities at the Erkel Theatre. Plans for the theatre?s renovation are in the making, Vass said.

Vass said the opera is also in talks with the tax office on allowing it to postpone payment of its payroll taxes in the coming months until 2007.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)