Opera Prepares For Elektra Premiere


The production is a milestone for the Hungarian State Opera and serves as an attempt to raise its international profile, said director Balázs Kovalik at a press conference before the premiere.

The production is extraordinary because of its impressive set as well as because of its two famous leads. It takes place in an abandoned bath dominated by a cube symbolising the world.
"This performance makes very big demands of the performers, but also from a technical point of view: It will not be easy to work with Csaba Antal's gigantic stage props, which have been built with engineering precision," said Kovalik.

Agnes BaltsaPhoto: Máté Nándorfi

Secunde, also speaking at the press conference, joked that she had sung in 25 productions of Elektra, but had not seen a single Greek column in any of them.

"As far as I am concerned, the first consideration should be the stage and the acoustics, which is why my heart was lifted when I saw the outstanding work of these Hungarian artists," she said.
"The production is modern and interesting, and finally I get to wear a beautiful dress as Elektra," she added.
Baltsa said she had good memories of working with the members of the Hungarian State Opera.

Nadine Secunde as Elektra and Béla Perencz Béla as Orestes in Richard Strauss's opera Elektra, directed by Balázs Kovalik. The Hungarian State Opera will premiere the production on November 24. Photo: Péter Kollányi (MTI)

"I was in a production of Carmen (in Budapest), and I worked with the Hungarian State Opera chorus on several occasions in Japan," she said.

János Kovács, who will conduct the orchestra at the premiere, said he had learned much from Secunde and Baltsa, making the production profitable for everybody.
Elektra - with Secunde and Baltsa in the lead roles - will be performed on November 24 and 28, and on December 1. The production will premiere with a new cast, including Annamária Kovács, Szilvia Rálik, Zsuzsanna Bazsinka and Attila Wendler on December 8.
Source: fidelio.hu