Örökmozgó Shows Cold War Films


The twenty films are part of a programme entitled ?The 20th Century in Film: The Cold War?. This programme, in turn, is part of the Hungarian National Film Archive?s series ?The 20th Century in Film?, which aims to show a different 20th century theme, as reflected in the films of the era, each month this year.

The selection includes such American classics as ?Dr. Strangelove?, Stanley Kubrick?s satire of the cold war doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction, and ?The Way We Were?, which shows the unlikely pairing of a left-wing political activist, played by Barbara Streisand, and an uncommitted military man, played by Robert Redford. But the Örökmozgó also shows the view from the other side of the iron curtain, with films such as ?Berlin, Ecke Schönhauser?, an East German film about a flight from, and a return to, East Berlin, the Russian film ?Meeting On The Elba?, directed by Grigori Aleksandrov, and a French and East German film of Arthur Miller?s ?The Crucible?, a thinly disguised metaphor for the McCarthy era which no American filmmaker at time dared touch.

The Programme:

October 5, 20:30: ?Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?, UK, dir: Stanley Kubrick (1963)

October 6, 16:30: ?Est-Ouest?, France, dir: Régis Wargnier (1999)

October 9, 16:30: ?The Russian Question? (Ruszkij voprosz), USSR, dir: Mihail Romm (1947)

October 10, 16:30: ?High Noon, USA, dir: Fred Zinnemann (1952)

October 12, 16:30: ?Silver Dust? (Szerebrisztaja pül), USSR, dir: Abram Room (1953)

October 16, 16:30: ?Berlin, Schönhauser Corner? (Berlin, Ecke Schönhauser), GDR, dir: Gerhard Klein (1957)

October 17, 20:30: ?The Way We Were?, USA, dir: Sydney Pollack (1973)

October 18, 16:30: ?A Woman Starts Off? (Egy asszony elindul), Hungary, dir: Imre Jenei (1949)

October 18, 20:30: ?Ecstasy? (Rapsodia en sangre), Spain, dir: Antonio Isasi-Isasmendi (1957)

October 19, 18:30: ?Good Night, and Good Luck?, USA, dir: George Clooney (2005)

October 21, 18:30: ?On the Waterfront?, USA, dir: Elia Kazan (1954)

October 22, 20:30: ?Meeting On The Elbe? (Vstrecha na Elba), USSR, dir: Grigori Aleksandrov (1949)

October 23, 18:00: ?A Beautiful Mind?, USA, dir: Ron Howard (2001)

October 26, 16:30: ?The Year of the Quiet Sun? (Rok spokojnego slonca), Poland/USA/FRG, dir: Krysztof Zanussi (1984)

October 26, 20:30: ?Crossfire?, USA, dir: Edward Dmytryk (1947)

October 27, 18:00: ?Thirteen Days?, USA, dir: Roger Donaldson (2000)

October 28, 20:30: ?The Crucible?, France/GDR, dir: Raymond Rouleau (1956)

October 29, 18:30: ?Western Zone? (Nyugati övezet), Hungary, dir: Várkonyi Zoltán (1952)

October 29, 20:30: ?A King in New York?, UK, dir: Charles Chaplin (1957)