Palace Renovation Continues With Norwegian Funding


The first phase of the renovation of the building's front portion - supported with EU funding - started in September. The second phase of the renovation is being made possible with a HUF 710m grant from the Norwegian Fund, said Székesfehérvár mayor Tihamér Warvasovszky. He added that the entire cost of the second phase of the renovation would reach HUF 835m. HUF 50m of the difference will come from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the city will cover the remaining HUF 75m, he said.

The Norwegian Fund was established by Norway - which is not in the EU, but is a member of the European Free Trade Association - to assist new member states.
The renovation is to be completed on July 2, but the building will not reopen until August, after everything is moved in.
The renovated part of the building will house a marriage chamber (where visitors will be able to view remains of the medieval wall through a glass floor), an exhibition space, a conference room and a small cafeteria. The almost three-metre-high cellar will be home to a youth centre.
The Hiemer-Font-Caraffa house is a gem among European palaces built in the 18th century, but it fell into a state of disrepair over a decade and a half, only to be rescued at the last minute.
The local council of Székesfehérvár is currently planning the third phase of the renovation, but is looking for funding to pay for it.
Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)