Pannonhalma Abbey Builds Art Bridges



On the festival's musical programme will be Tchaikovsky and the contemporary Danish composer Bent Sorensen, who turns 50 this year. Though little known in Hungary, Sorenson enjoys a high profile in many countries around the world. Works of the two composers will be performed by the Cikada Ensemble, one of Scandinavia's most important advocates for contemporary music.

Other musical performers will include Gábor Csalog, Klára Csordás, Boris Lenko, the Keller String Quartet, the Eugen Suchon Quartet, the Saint Efrém Men's Choir and the UMZE Chamber Orchestra. The guitarist Ferenc Snétberger will also perform a solo concert.
On the performance art programme will be the premiere of the dancer and choreographer Pál Frenák's new piece InTimE.
The abbey will host an exhibition called From Icon to Installation that pairs thirteen icons from the its collection with works by the contemporary Hungarian artists Zoltán Érmezei, Ágnes Eperjesi, Erika Baglyas, Philippe Brame, Mária Chilf, Bázil Duliskovich, László Győrffy, Kinga Hajdú, Andrea Huszár, Mariann Imre, János Kósa, Ilona Lovas, Erik Mátrai, Zsuzsa Moizer, Magdolna Vékás and Erzsébet Vojnich.
The Still Life Company will bring a performance that mixes theatre with the fine arts called Infinity.
For the first time in its five-year history, the festival will screen short films, by Péter Mészáros, Marcell Iványi, László Jeles Nemes and Bálint Kenyeres.
The abbey will host an installation by the artists Ilona Lovas and Balázs Kicsiny in the main hall of its Millennium Memorial.