Papers Praise Chile Bluebeard Production


Béla Bartók

The theatre performed the opera seven times in the second half of July. Bálint Szabó and Judit Németh sang the two parts in the production, which was directed by Marcelo Lombardero. The orchestra was the Orquesta Filarmónica de Santiago conducted by Jan Lathan-Koenig and José Luis Dominguez.

The daily El Mercurio called the production, which took place 90 years after the piece premiered in Budapest, an absolute success, which owed much to the talents of its two Hungarian leads. The two singers were paired well, "though sometimes they were overpowered by the orchestra". "Szabó provided a soothing and nostalgic Bluebeard, and Németh a compromising, commanding and curious Judit."
The paper also praised the second cast, citing the Argentine Hernán Iturralde for his fine voice and musicality, and lauding Adriana Mastrangelo for her ideal personification of Judit.
The paper La Tercera wrote that the first cast, as well as the director Lathan-Koenig, had brought out the Hungarian elements in the opera. It praised Németh's voice, calling it young and fresh, but very rich.
Source: Fidelio