Paris Symphonies on Programme in Eszterháza



The Orfeo Orchestra, under the baton of György Vashegyi, will perform the symphonies - two a day - on August 15-17.

The "Paris" symphonies were commissioned by Count d'Ogny to be performed at the Concert de la Loge Olympique, a popular concert subscription in Paris that featured an enormous - for the time - orchestra. Among them are the Symphony No. 85 in B major, written in 1785 or 1786 and nicknamed "La Reine", or The Queen, because the work later became a favourite of Marie Antoinette, and the Symphony No. 83 in G minor, "The Hen", written in 1785, which takes its name from the "clucking" second subject in the first movement.
Source: Fidelio / Photo: Sándor H. Szabó (MTI)