Parsifal to Feature at Budapest's First Wagner Days


The opera will be performed on June 10 and 17 in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall at the Palace of the Arts. The chorus for Parsifal will comprise the Hungarian Radio Choir and Childrens? Chorus as well as the National Choir. The June 17 performance, to start at 16:00, will be recorded by Canadian, Korean, Australian and Portuguese radio broadcasters, among others. Hungary?s Bartók Radio will broadcast the concert live. The performance will be in memory of György Kroó, the famous Hungarian music historian and Wagner scholar, born 80 years ago.

In 2007, Wagner days will feature performances of The Rhinegold and The Valkyrie. And in 2008, the annual event?s programme will be Siegfried and Twilight of the Gods, completing the Ring Cycle. The artistic director and conductor for the Wagner Days series will be Ádám Fischer. Among the soloists for the productions will be Matti Salminen, Christian Franz and Günter von Kannen.


Set and concept: Alexandra Szemerédy
Amfortas: Magdolna Parditka
Titurel: Tomasz Konieczny
Gurnemanz: Kolos Kováts
Parsifal: Matti Salminen
Klingsor: Christian Franz
Kundry: Günter von Kannen

The 2007 Wagner Days will feature performances of The Rhinegold on June 7 and 9, and the Valkyrie on June 8 and 10.

The 2008 Wagner Days will feature performances of Siegfried on June 7 and 21, Twilight of the Gods on June 14 and 22, The Rhinegold on June 19, and The Valkyrie on June 20.

Source: Fidelio