Pécs Artists Show in Namur, Belgium


 András Pinczehelyi's work

The exhibition, called Kaleidoscope - Pécs2010, features work by Barna Benedek, András Ernszt, Ferenc Ficzek, Tibor Gyenis, Ferenc Lantos, Barna Leitner, Péter Lengyel, Zoltán Makra, Gábor Miklya, András Pinczehelyi, Sándor Pinczehelyi, Péter Somody, Zsuzsa Tóth and Rita Varga.

The exhibition in Namur was the brainchild of Lillian and László Hevesi, a Hungarian couple active on the city's cultural scene.
At the end of March, the exhibition will return to Brussels, where it will go on display in the European Parliament.