Pécs Awarded EUR 1.5 Million For 2010


The prize, named in honour of the Greek actress, singer and politician Melina Mercouri, was presented to the city after a monitoring process that took place in phases over several years.

Ferenc Csák and Zsolt Páva
State Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Culture Ferenc Csák said the prize was the acknowledgment of years of cooperation to make the 2010Pécs European Capital of Culture project work.
Pécs has made an effort to place an emphasis on other cultures represented in the city, such as those from EU candidate Croatia and potential candidate Serbia, said Mayor Zsolt Páva. Part of the money will support improvements at the Csontváry Museum, a showcase for paintings by one of the city's most famous sons, he added.
The Melina Mercouri prize was presented to Essen at the same time it was to Pécs, and it is expected to be awarded to Istanbul soon. Essen and Istanbul will share the 2010 European Capital of Culture title with Pécs.
Author: Éva Kelemen / Photo: Eszter Gordon