Pécs Ballet to Perform Hunchback in Budapest


The performance will be the only one of the production in Budapest.

The production is only the second attempt ever to choreograph a ballet based on Hugo?s famous novel. Following its premiere in Pécs, the troupe received invitations to perform the production in France, Greece, and the United States.

Jurányi has attempted to make the production accessible to the broadest public possible.

?I wanted to convey the essence of this classic story through dance, in an understandable form,? he says.

He also aimed to make the story timeless. ?Our goal was to suggest a world reaching across the centuries while referring to the 19th century in a few stylistic details through a combination of stage design, costumes, and dance.?

In the lead roles are Korinna Spala as Esmeralda, Gergely Csanád Kovács, a guest with the troupe, as Quasimodo, Balázs Vincze as Frollo, and Krisztián Szalka as Phoebus. Jurányi has used different styles of dance for each of the story?s main characters.

Esmeralda: Korinna Spala
Quasimodo: Gergely Csanád Kovács
Frollo: Balázs Vincze
Phoebus: Krisztián Szalka
Phoebus's lovers: Tünde Czebe, Mónika Kócsy
Soldiers: László Barczi, István Dóri, Zsolt Gallai, Károly Lencsés
People: András Nagy, István Oláh, Norbert Verdes, Anett Bakos, Szilvia Balássy, Rita Góbi, Eszter Lázár, Laura Sasvári, Katalin Ujvári

Source: www.tancelet.hu