Pécs Could Get Support for Europa Cantat Festival


The declaration of intent on the financing for the festival could be approved by the local council at a meeting on Thursday. The governing body has mandated mayor Zsolt Páva to continue negotiations with the ministry on sharing the cost of the festival.
Hosting the festival, including expenses incurred in the years until 2015, would cost 2,410,000 euro, of which 952,000 would come from Hungary.
The Europa Cantat Festival is held every three years. It draws about 4,000 singers who participate in workshops with conductors and composers.
The festival takes place over ten days and makes use of public spaces, churches, museums and cultural institutions all over the city in which it is hosted.
Europa Cantat, the festival organiser, is comprised of 50 member organisations in Europe and a further hundred choruses and individual members in 50 countries around the world. Altogether, Europa Cantat directly represents more than a million and indirectly represents more than 20 million singers, conductors and composers.
The 2012 Europa Cantat is being held in Turin. A decision on the host of the 2015 festival is expected to be taken on March 10.
Pécs deputy mayor Csaba Nagy and chairman of the local council?s education and culture committee Péter Hoppál announced the city?s candidacy for the 2015 Europa Cantata Festival last October. Pécs hosted the festival once before, in 1988.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)