Pecs, Essen, Istambul present culture capital programmes at UNESCO


Director-general of UNESCO Irina Bokova opened the event where the three ambassadors introduced each others' cities to representatives of 193 member states in attendance.

Turkey's Gurcan Turkoglu talked about Germany's Ruhr region and Hungary's Katalin Bogyay held a presentation about Islanbul, which she said had served an inspiration to many writers and poets over its long history.

Germany's Martina Bibbeling-Wriessnig said Pecs boasted "a Mediterranean climate and amazing architecture." She noted that representatives of five ethnic minorities and religions live together in the city, which she described as a symbol of dialogue and integration.


The event concluded with performances by artists from the three cities. Pecs was represented by singer Renata Csoke and traditional instrumentalist Peter Kopeczky playing songs of the Hungarian-speaking Csango people of Moldova.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)