Pécs Inaugurates Last Zsolnay Cultural Quarter Buildings


Pécs converted the old Zsolnay porcelain factory into a space that preserves the history of the Zsolnay family of artisans and offers places for exhibition, performances, work and play for artists, university students and families with children.
The city?s Youth House will start moving into the pyrogranite plant, renovated at a cost of 400 million forints, said Pécs City Development Nonprofit Company CEO Péter Merza.
The youth centre?s new home will exceed the area of its old 2,800-square-metre base by 400 square metres, said Pécs Cultural Centre director Andrea Brückler Lakner. The area has rooms for concerts, dance and music practice, and a studio, she added.
The Youth House will have housewarming party on December 29. Before that, performances by Nikoletta Szőke and the Plan ?B? Project, Kornél Horváth and Alegre Correa, László Dés and Ghymes will take place.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)